Jun 7Liked by Ryan Elston, Ryan Wildstar

Visual art, I could go into classical and modern names; I prefer the evolving contemporary art that reflects the hidden truth and aspects of society and neo-culture (culture that is instant processed pseudo-culture). It doesn't have to be flashy, or vivid, it has to show us to ourselves. An oldie but goodie example, more of a performance is Rest Energy (1980) Ulay/Marina Abramović: https://youtu.be/lGwb3rb3yC0?feature=shared

I regard music as a visual art architect of the mind and I can't live without Peter Gabriel, Omar Faruk Tekbilek, David Bowie and original soul and Motown, the O'Jays, Main Ingredient, Spinners and The Four Tops and The Epicurean Vagabonds.

I can't live without the original 60's television Star Trek series with it's use creative use of lighting gels of reds, greens and purples. NOVA and Vice documentaries.

I can't live without David Lynch, Garry Shandling, Woody Allen, Soderbergh, Alfred Hitchcock, Ken Russell and Jordan Peele.

I can't live without pasta, croquetas de bacalao, tandoori chicken and pakoras!

I can't live without Veurve Clicqiot Champagne and chocolate from Belgium (non-imported).

This list is not anywhere near complete, of course!

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7Author

Thanks so much for sharing your choices . . . so many of these are among our favorites as well! Both Davids of course (Bowie and Lynch), Motown, Peter Gabriel, Hitchcock, Ken Russell . . . and I'm personally a huge Trekker as well (the whole franchise really). And without giving away any spoilers I think everyone knows I can't live without pasta!

Also, thanks for that Ulay/Marina Abramović clip on Youtube - haven't seen that one in awhile. And I'm immediately adding Omar Faruk Tekbilek to this evening's listening queue. Cheers to that!

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Jun 7Liked by Ryan Elston

Wonderful! The KT Tunstall video, "Feel It All," was inspired by Marina, by this actual piece. I starred with her in that video. I had a separation from my now divorced one.

I was asked to watch it and to explain how I interpreted it. It reminded me of my relationship and I literally broke down in tears and couldn't recover myself. I spilled out my heart- she cast me right off the reel and she wasn't there. Also: her zodiac sign and date of birth, the height of her body was exactly my ex-husband's. Things happen for a reason.

If you add Omar Faruk, may I suggest as your first, "Mystical Garden," and then "Whirling." Both are really good, the garden is more tranquil. Enjoy and thank you so much for your work.

"Feel It All" https://youtu.be/6Be2Xq_-YwQ?feature=shared

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Wow! What a great video! Quite potent. Intense. Can feel that connection between you two. And I can definitely see the Abramović influence you mentioned.

Also listened to Mystical Garden and I love it. (Will listen to Whirling next.) Thanks for recommending both of these!

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Couldn't agree more. That video with you and K.T Tunstall is arresting! The energy between you both is palpable and I absolutely LOVE that song. Thank you so much for sharing this.

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Amazing choices! No surprise we like so many of the same artists! Love all of your music choices, naturally. And we're having some Champagne to celebrate the 100th Episode for sure, possibly some Veuve! Cheers to that! And thank you for your fantastic selections and for being a part of The Epicurean Vagabonds. We couldn't have done it without YOU!

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Jun 7Liked by Ryan Elston, Ryan Wildstar

I forgot to include in my list of food- humble pie! Yes!

Well, being a part of your podcast has been a privilege and I am honored that you both invited me to be that. Touché! my dear!

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We are honored as well!

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Jun 7Liked by Ryan Elston, Ryan Wildstar

In addition to the artists and writers I listed on last week's podcast comment, I want to add playwright August Wilson and any performance by the late Chadwick Boseman. Music wise I tend to listen to the classical (Chopin & Mozart), but who could live without Queen. How about a favorite venue--for example, Ashland Oregon's Shakespeare Festival performing any Shakespeare play. I am also a diehard Star Trek fan especially Next Generation.

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Loved your great choices from last week and love these as well. August Wilson is another personal favorite. And Chadwick Boseman! He truly created a remarkable oeuvre in his tragically too-short career . . . could anyone else have given us Jackie Robinson, Thurgood Marshall, James Brown *and* Black Panther, let alone that heartbreaking final performance in August Wilson's Ma Rainey's Black Bottom? He's one of my favorite actors of all time.

And I love the idea of including a favorite venue! The Ashland Shakespeare Festival would definitely be on my list as well. And cheers to all of our fellow Trekkers here at The Epicurean Vagabonds!

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Brilliant! I couldn't live without Chopin, Mozart or Queen! And Ashland, such fond memories of seeing Shakespeare there with my grandparents in the early 1980s - forever changed me.

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