
We also forgot Heartstopper! Such a cute and charming teen romance with the most adorable/endearing leads ever! The whole show can be summed up in two words of dialogue:

Charlie: "Hi." Nick: "Hi." Followed by much blushing and crushing and swooning. ♥💕❤

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HEARTSTOPPER! How could we??? LOVE LOVE LOVED this show.

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OMG...we forgot Rita!!! One of our favorite shows EVER! Rita is one of the most iconic characters ever created around the subject of teaching. She's a rebel, rock-n-roll teacher with questionable ethics but a heart of gold. Season after season, she bucks the system, sleeps with whomever she wants and wins the hearts of all her students. This is an ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH!

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Yes! *slaps head* How did we forget Rita? Such an amazing show . . . going to edit that one back in at the end of the article.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Ryan Elston, Ryan Wildstar

My reaction to the level of your affection for Star Trek:


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I know we don't necessarily fit the profile of Trekkers but it's the truth...Live long and prosper!

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Ryan Wildstar

I was surprised at the overall love of sci-fi not just Star Trek :)

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Oh, we're both total sci-fi fans in all its forms - literature, film, TV. And fantasy too! Have you watched Raised by Wolves? Obsessed!

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Ryan Elston, Ryan Wildstar

I have seen the first season of Raised by Wolves and really enjoyed it. I have been meaning to start the second. I have been trying to read more lately, but finding the time is tough as I'm usually beat by bed time. If the book sucks me in though I can push through.

I just started A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller Jr. I have heard it is quite good. I'll let you know, but if you start it now you'll probably finish it before me at my current pace hah!

I saw you liked The Expanse tv series, which I also watched start to end and liked. The books are on my Good Reads list.

Hyperion is a good sci-fi book if you haven't read it. It has a similar structure as The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer.

I also recently read the first 3 out of 4 books in the Revelation Space Series by Alastair Reynolds. It's a great (and interesting) take on the Fermi Paradox.

I hope you are enjoying Rome and look forward to reading/hearing about it soon!

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I haven't read A Canticle but Ryan has. The Expanse was amazing and Ryan's mom actually read the whole book series and loved it. If you haven't already read it, add Starmaker to your list... an incredible book (completely overlooked) by Olaf Stapledon from the 1930s. Sir Arthur C. Clarke considered Star Maker to be "probably the most powerful work of imagination ever written", and Brian W. Aldiss called it "the one great grey holy book of science fiction." Blew my mind. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Maker

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What did Ryan think of Canticle? I’m only about 50 pages in.

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