Aug 15, 2022Liked by Ryan Elston, Ryan Wildstar

Omg what a fabulous list! I am dying over the white pizzas. Theo and I took a half-day pizza tour on his first trip to NYC and we ate the yummiest white pizza in a pizzeria in Brooklyn called Best Pizza. Caramelized onion, sesame crust, ricotta. I’m still trying to recapture that high. 😆 sending this list to him. We may have to go on a pizza tour of the balkans!

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Best Pizza, yes! New York Pizza is its own institution. And yes, we love a good white sauce pizza, as sometimes the tomato sauces can be a bit heavy. Sesame crust, also, everything! If you want to do a pizza tour of the Balkans, who ya' gonna call???

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Ryan Elston, Ryan Wildstar

Now I'm hungry. The pizza boat sounds so yummy. Since I've never heard of this in the US, I will try to make my own.

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Those pizza boats are indeed delicious! In keeping with the theme - we ordered pizza tonight! It's on its way. Do you have any pizza recommendations from any places you've visited or lived?

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Ryan Wildstar

Unfortunately, I don't have the memory for restaurant names. However, on my 1st European trip many years ago to Paris, I marveled at the difference in Paris pizza from the typical American pizza. I've since found out that each country I've visited has it's own special take on pizza. A worthy food adventure in it's own right.

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Parisian pizza...we have very fond memories. The ingredients are always so beautiful. And, of course, the CHEESE!

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Ryan Elston, Ryan Wildstar

This was so much fun to read. I never thought I’d be that interested in different pizzas in different parts of the world but you make it all so fascinating!

It sounds like you really enjoy living in all different countries in the Balkans. Which have always sounded so dark and menacing to us who lived through the Cold War. More stories please!

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So glad you had fun reading about pizza! We thought it might fall flat but then...pizza, c'mon? The Balkans are amazing and YOU would love them. Come visit soon, we're here to take you to every pizza joint you want!

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I think it’s going to be my next destination!

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