deletedNov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023
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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Ryan Wildstar

Baked brie, with a fresh Salsa Genovese pesto sauce surrounded by a scoundrel of majoole dates and leaves of mint! . Accompany with a soup or bread, an excellent second, before main course. This is my main course for the writings of Liber Al vel Legis, and my unforgettable dish de nightmare of embarking on a journey which may not go spoken! But, roasted prunes, pine nuts with cilantro and chicken with brandy. CAN YOU DIG IT?!

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Sounds absolutely divine! I can dig it!

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Ok, I'm going in because I LOVE cheese! My all-time-favorite cheese is the very pungent Normandy cheese, Livarot (which ties right into our viewing choice this week). This cheese is not for the faint of heart. This might be one of the most fragrant, potent cheeses on the planet...and I LOVE IT!


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Beautiful choice! Livarot is in my top five!

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Seize the Cheese! Cheese (in general) is one of my favorite things . . . and while I love many, many, many different cheeses . . . today, I'm going to choose just one of my favorites: Mont d'Or (aka Vacherin Mont d'Or or just Vacherin) - The Mountain of Gold. It's just a perfect cheese. A culinary treasure. Only sold between September 10th and May 10th, it's a genuine treat to be in France right now when it's available.


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We are having a Mont d'Or before we leave this week, rest assured!

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Ryan Elston, Ryan Wildstar

I have a weakness for double cream brie. Also, a good French roquefort satisfies. I always have a selection of cheese in my refrigerator & it's often my lunch or dinner of choice served along with good bread and fruit.

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Yum! Double cream brie! Brie is another favorite. (The local bistro around the corner does an amazing hamburger/cheeseburger slathered with brie.) And Ryan Wildstar *never* makes a cheese plate without a strong blue like Roquefort (preferably Roquefort Papillon)!

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Double cream brie, yes! And I seem to remember that Trader Joe's actually has a fantastic traditional French Brie that we always loved.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Ryan Elston, Ryan Wildstar

So much good stuff to comment on! Those books on the history of Restaurants sound fascinating!

The movie sounds powerful and moving.

And best final lines “seize the cheese“ and “If eating a cheese plate for dinner is wrong, I don’t wanna be right” 😂

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Thank you! Glad you liked the book recommendations. The movie was absolutely riveting. And yes, the cheese plate for dinner was extravagantly delicious!

What's your favorite cheese?

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I've decided "Seize the cheese" is my new catchphrase!

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Ryan Elston

I don’t really have a favorite cheese. I just love cheese, pretty much every cheese I’ve ever had

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I completely concur with this sentiment.

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Okay, I feel a little lowbrow here, but I LOVE Ski Queen cheese (must be the Norwegian in me). It's like caramel but savory and smooth. I could eat it by the block. And have. A few times actually...It's that delicious.

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Oooh! Ski Queen cheese is a delicious Nordic delight! Love it. Not lowbrow at all! (And nothing wrong with high, middle or lowbrow for that matter - we're genuinely fans of all three!)

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