
I'll get the dinner party conversation started. Despite my serious aversion to anything involving zombies, I was seriously impressed by the writing/acting/directing on HBO's The Last of Us. Bella Ramsay and Pedro Pascal are the perfect post-apocalyptic pairing!

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So true! The acting and the amazing visual element of the show really separated it from other "zombie" shows. Also some very heart-wrenching moments.

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Two words: Episode Three.

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Bill and Frank forever!!!

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I have to admit that one of the TV shows that's totally been a source of guilty pleasure recently is Yellowjackets. Juliette Lewis alone is worth the watch. All I have to say is...NO RETURN, NO RETURN, NO REEEETURNNN!

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We were so late to the Yellowjackets party, but once we started we were hooked! Christina Ricci is hilarious. Who knew cannibalism could be so entertaining?

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Ryan Elston, Ryan Wildstar

Oh my god, I love it too! It’s a perfect storm of 90s tropes--cannibal kids, cults, zany detectives...and Melanie Lewinsky! Heavenly Creatures is one of my faves!

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Jul 6, 2023·edited Jul 6, 2023Author

Heavenly Creatures is absolutely one of our faves as well. And she is so good in Yellowjackets, especially season two!

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Yes! Love Heavenly Creatures! In my opinion, Peter Jackson's best film. I said it!

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Ryan Elston, Ryan Wildstar

Congratulations on a great start to year 2 of your podcast.

I just binge watched 9 seasons of Seaside Hotel on PBS Masterpiece (yea PBS Passport). The series is a Danish drama comedy and I'm hoping for a season 10.

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Seaside Hotel is new to us! Sounds right up our alley. We'll definitely have to check that out. (Cheers to the PBS passport!)

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