Oct 13, 2023Liked by Ryan Elston, Ryan Wildstar

I'm delighted you saw Max Roach. Since you know me as a drummer, it makes me happy to hear you recognize the drummers. Roach, was for jazz what Bernard "pretty" Purdie, is to rock. Except that Purdie also worked with quite a few of the same jazz groups that Roach worked with. Together, the two have been the "most recorded" drummers in music. PBS Music Masters, is a very entertaining program. I don't use a VPN, but well worth investigating a low-cost version, if any.

Did you know that actor Sal Mineo, was a drummer? He was taught by Krupa, well he played Gene Krupa in the film, "The Gene Krupa Story," hello!

Speaking of Mineo, I have a movie suggestion!

Sal Mineo, was involved in the prison reform system and it's hypocrisies (reason for his murder?). He wrote a play "Fortune In Men's Eyes," from the Shakespeare quote, about prison youth, homosexuality and reform. It became a film, and it's free on YouTube! It is hilarious, tense, tearful and truthful. Excellent acting! Sal, was not in it, as was Don Johnson (Miami Vice) in the play, but the characters brought this TO LIFE!

All things Italian!?

Film: "Once Upon A Time in the West" Sergio Leon, "Salò" 120 Days of Sodom 1975 - Pier Paolo Pasolini.

Food: Bruschetta Caprese, Pizza Neopolitana, Spaghetti Frutti di Mare.

Music / Singer: Dean Martin!

Art: So many. Giacomo Balla - Velocity of Cars & Light specifically.

Fashion: Armani. Period.

Wine: Carpano Antico vermouth, almost any Chianti. No sweet stuff.

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Absolutely love your Italian recommendations! Never did get a bottle of Carpano Antica while we were there but I did have a fantastic cocktail that used it as its base! And I also had a great Spaghetti Frutti di Mare as well! Thanks for the amazing list!

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And yes, Max Roach is one of my favorite drummers as well. Completely deserves this documentary, which really sheds light on his brilliance and influence.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Ryan Elston, Ryan Wildstar

I'm pleased you had something with the Carpano in it, you get a sense. I had Frutti de Mare the night before last at home!

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Miam, miam miam! The night before we left Sorrento, I had the best Zuppe di Pesce I've ever eaten - mussels, swordfish, clams, cod, langoustines all in a heavenly, hearty tomato sauce with garlic and parsley. Sublime!

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Ryan Elston, Ryan Wildstar


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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Ryan Elston, Ryan Wildstar

The whole country of Italy is an archaeological treasure.

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It's so true! Our visit to Paestum outside of Sorrento was absolutely transformative. We'll be discussing it detail in one or more posts soon!

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Indeed! We will absolutely be talking about that amazing archaeological heritage on Friday's podcast.

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Ryan Elston, Ryan Wildstar

I’m drowning in the rain here in the Pacific Northwest. Drowning in my desks to be back in the Mediterranean with you experiencing those amazing meals, museums, beauty and fun!

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So glad you were there with us in Corsica, however brief!

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Ryan Elston, Ryan Wildstar

So much I love about Italy and Italians -- but especially the music of Giacomo Puccini. I keep coming back to the Te Deum from Tosca. Take a look at Bynn Terfel's amazing rendition:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0euYKIMfV4I

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Puccini never ceases to delight the hear, especially the Te Deum from Tosca! We're going to check out Bynn Terfel's rendition tonight. Thank you for the recommendation!

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Puccini's a great choice. And thanks for sharing this great rendition!

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Ryan Elston, Ryan Wildstar

You'll love it. He's a complete sleaze-bag.

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Hahaha! Can't wait! We'll watch it over dinner tonight, perfecto!

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I'm late to the dinner party this week, but I have to chime in and say one of my favorite Italian artists is the filmmaker Federico Fellini. La strada, Nights of Cabiria, La Dolce Vita, 8+1⁄2, Juliet of the Spirits, Satyricon, Roma, Amarcord . . . one of the greatest directors of all time!

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You beat me to it! Possibly my favorite director of all time.

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I'm REALLY late to the dinner party! One of my favorite Italian things has to be one of the world's finest wines - Brunello di Montalcino. We had a couple of extraordinary bottles during our stay in Florence and my taste buds are still reeling.

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Delicious choice! One of my favorite wines as well. Those bottles were so good!

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