Jul 3, 2022Liked by Ryan Elston, Ryan Wildstar

I somehow forgot to comment on your Truman Capote imitation which is always made me laugh out loud. I see you sitting on Alan‘s couch holding court!

I also watched the documentary on the LGBTQ community in Beirut and it brought me to tears. Thank you so much for bringing back these fun memories and issues into my awareness! ❤️

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Jul 3, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022Author

Thank *you* so much for watching that beautiful, heartbreaking and inspiring documentary. We were likewise in tears. We really wanted to raise awareness about the struggles our people are facing worldwide. We wish you were with us for Skopje Pride! You would have loved it!

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I don't know how you could forget my Truman...* puts on the hat* "But you're old so maybe you've lost your wits?"

Just kidding! Thank you so much for giving us feedback about the material!

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Ryan Elston, Ryan Wildstar

Oh my gosh it was so fun to hear your voices again! I usually don’t listen to podcasts because I don’t have the time but I thoroughly enjoyed it and everything you talked about and all the books and music and experiences you have been experiencing! Especially the pride celebration in Macedonia - who would’ve guessed!

I am living vicariously through you two and your stories!

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Wishing you were here with us in Macedonia! And thank you for taking the time to listen to our podcast and let us transport you!

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Jul 1, 2022Liked by Ryan Elston, Ryan Wildstar

Well done! I always feel enjoyably educated after one of your podcasts. This includes being inspired by your subjects for further research by watching a documentary, checking out a book, listening to a new musician, etc.

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We're always so pleased to know that the work of these great artists is being well received! Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback. We really appreciate it!

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