The Epicurean Vagabonds
Aesthetic Arrest Podcast
Aesthetic Arrest Podcast: Surrealist Tendencies

Aesthetic Arrest Podcast: Surrealist Tendencies


“The aesthetic experience is a simple beholding of the object . . . you experience a radiance. You are held in aesthetic arrest.” - Joseph Campbell

Aesthetic Arrest is our weekly dip into the Epicurean pleasures we’ve been enjoying lately. Here we go!

Ryan Wildstar’s Recommendations:

Reading: The Theater and Its Double by Antonin Artaud

Pour finir avec le jugement de dieu (1947) [via UbuWeb]

Antonin Artaud: Practical Approaches to a Theatre of Cruelty [via UbuWeb]

Listening: Jurowski Conducts Stravinsky, Vol. 1 (Live) - London Philharmonic Orchestra/Vladimir Jurowski

Looking: Stanislao Lepri and Leonor Fini

The Man With Masks (1949) by Leonor Fini [Fair Use via WikiArt, © Leonor Fini]

Stanislao Lepri at Galerie Minsky

Leonor Fini Paintings at WikiArt

Leonor Fini at Artnet

Viewing: Jean Cocteau

Tasting: Les Diners de Gala by Salvador Dalí

The Salt, What’s On Your Plate: Decades Later, Salvador Dalí's Decadent Dream Dishes Are Awakened

Ryan Elston’s Recommendations:

Reading: Refractive Africa: Ballet of the Forgotten by Will Alexander

Will Alexander at PennSound

Will Alexander at Poetry Foundation

Listening: Surrealistic Pillow by Jefferson Airplane

Looking: The Art of Andres Barrioquinto

Quiet by Andres Barrioquinto (2020), oil on canvas [Artmortician, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons]

Official Site of Andres Barrioquinto

Andres Barrioquinto at Tutt'Art

Viewing: Leonora Carrington: The Lost Surrealist (BBC documentary, available for viewing on Youtube)

Leonora Carrington’s Surrealist Paintings Continue to Bewitch Artists, Collectors, and Curators

Tasting: The Alice B. Toklas Cook Book by Alice B. Toklas

That’s it for this week! What are your reading, listening, looking, viewing and/or tasting recommendations?

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The Epicurean Vagabonds
Aesthetic Arrest Podcast
We are Ryan and Ryan, and what we propose to you here is an observational celebration of the most extraordinary people, places, books, art, music, food, wine and cultures we have had the honor to experience together over the last 22 years.